Wednesday, December 23, 2009

2 days left...

Merry Christmas Eve (Eve)! I am getting really excited for Christmas this year. I can't wait for Jack to open his presents. Hopefully this year he can get past the excitement and allure of the bright ribbons and bows, and instead appreciate the actual gifts! During his naptimes the past few weeks, I have spent my time wrapping gifts and getting things ready for the big day. Of course, all the pretty gifts are stuffed in my hall closet, safely out of the reach of curious Jack. He finally learned to leave the tree alone, at least until Mommy leaves the room that is. He has been a real angel lately about things that he knows he is not allowed to play with. For example, last night he picked up the remote control. He then walked over to me and freely of his own will, gave it to me while sweetly smiling. WHAT? Did he really just give up the remote without a fight?! Wow, talk about evolving. So I figured I could trust him, right? Fast forward to this morning, and I have the diaper wipes out ready to change Jack. He decides to go off to play in his room, so I decide to go use the bathroom real quick. Big mistake. By time I get back, Jack has returned from his room and emptied the entire contents of the diaper wipe box all over the floor. And he pulled each one of the wipes out individually! Now, they're all stuffed back into the box, not connected, so you have to reach into the box over and over and over again for each wipe! So now, I'm a little more cautious of Jack's "evolving"- is he really more angelic, or just even sneakier? Do ya'll have any sneaky kid stories to share?


Brian Nelson said...

First of all, I love the goat Jon.

Jack is so funny, and safarious. I hope he doesn't teach Eloise to be sneaksy and clever!

Erin R said...

Um, yes I do!
Let's see here....just about an hour ago I was working on baby proofing Reagan's room so I left her playing on the floor (1st mistake) and I went about going through all of her old things. Well, I got a little sentimental looking at her old hats and socks and toys and wasn't paying attention to Reagan other than I vaguely noticed she was by the humidifier. I threw some books over to her and went back to my memories....all the sudden I hear a "glug glug glug GLUG!"...I look over and she is pulling herself up using the humidifier but she loosened the water tank and water is spilling everywhere!
I scoop her up, take off her soaking wet clothes and put her on the opposite side of the room and proceed to use 2 big towels to mop up the mess. Well...while I was wrapped up in that she got into all the goodies I had taken out and the trash! It was like I had played right into her hand! Ohh the deception!

Erin said...

Hahahaha, that's really funny. Darn these babies and they're sneaky plans! Glad to hear I'm not the only victim of baby sneakiness.

Erin said...

oops, I meant "their" instead of "they're". duh.