Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I'm alive! For all of you many, many people out there reading my blog, no more worries, I'm back! Well temporarily back at least. To make a long story short, ATT is ruining my life and refuses to give me cable/internet service for at least another week. Stupid ATT people, who by the way have a monopoly in this city! Yep, apparently no other cable company is willing to offer services out here. Oh there's dish network, but seriously, dish? Am I gonna trust satellite? So my quick update is that we're moved into our new place and it's wonderful and beautiful and perfect (minus the stupid ATT people ruining my life). When I'm able to, I'll attach pics of the new place, and there's a whole funny story about me slapping Jon in my sleep that I was gonna write about weeks ago, but the forces at ATT converged to ruin my life and the story has gone unwritten. And it was really funny too. SO there ya go, my apartment is awesome and ATT sucks. Hope to be back online before my next birthday!


Kim said...

Hang on.

So, how do you feel about ATT? That wasn't really clear.

Amy Brinton said...

When we were in Springville, there was only dish or dial-up, and the dish was something like $100 a month, so we had DIAL-UP for an entire year. I used to love going up to campus because I could have a beautiful, fast internet connection. I really hope that yours gets up soon because I can totally feel your pain (and I want to hear the slapping story!).

Ali said...

Glad to hear you made it to the new apartment. How does little Jack feel about the move? Hope your new recliner looks good in it's new space. :)