My Little Navigator:
Since the latest addition to our family, Jason, arrived, we've been taking walks around the neighborhood in our new Sit & Stand stroller, which has the option of an older sibling either sitting or standing in the back. Jack opts to sit. Well, to get my exercise, I walked the farther distance to the park on the other side of the neighborhood. One day while out again, I wanted to go a different route, turning on a different street. Well, Jack lost it and threw a mini-tantrum because he thought we weren't going to the park. Now, whenever out in the stroller, he makes sure to direct Mommy where to go: i.e. the park. See for yourself below:

Now turn RIGHT (after I jokingly veered left)

Keep going straight, that's it.

Turn LEFT Mommy!

Adorable! It's funny how they trust you in so many ways, but then they'll decide you don't know what you're doing in one particular situation like this. Maybe he's worried you still have pregnancy brain. (Did you get that? It was a plague!)
Too funny!
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