Below are some photos showing his growth over the past 7 weeks; he's already changed so much.
1 day old in hospital- He started out like this:
1 day old in hospital- He started out like this:
2 days old, 1st day home 1 1/2 weeks old
1-2 weeks old
I love that spiky hair! His hair is SO much fun to play with.
About 3 weeks old here, more alert now
Enjoying the breezy afternoon in the backyard another hair shot, here it's curled over, haha
blurry pic, but shows how l-o-n-g he is

cuddle time is the best, he loves to be on his tummy, especially on your chest.
I made Jon do this. Jace is about 5-6 weeks old here.

about 6 weeks old here- I love his pose, he looks like such a little man

7 weeks old, happy on the soft blanket
His hair is still really dark and straight. If I spike it up after bathtime, it'll stay spiked thru the next day, even after sleeping. His eyes are still blue, and hoping they stay that way! As of his 1 month doctor's appointment, he weighed in at 9 lbs, 9 oz and 22 3/4 inches long, with a head circumference of 14 3/4 inches. His weight moved up in percentile to the 50th, his height is in the 90th percentile, and his head is in the 25th percentile. (He must get his head size from his Daddy, because I've got a big head.) His 2 month appointment is now just around the corner, so we'll see how much he's grown since then.

He is being much more interactive and alert now, which is very exciting and rewarding. He is pretty laid back usually, and content to lay on the floor. He cooed back and forth with me last night and was all smiles, probably because he had just finished eating. He loves bathtime...and pooltime. We've had him in the pool twice now and he was content and relaxed both times, thank goodness. I think we may have another water baby on our hands. (Our other boy Jack, is jumping in at the 4 foot whether you're there to catch him or not, but that's another story.) And I hate to put this in writing for fear of jinxing it, but Jason is only waking up once during the night to eat, yay! Perhaps I love that most about him. We're starting to get into a predictable schedule, and life is normalizing around here with 2 children. Love that too. We love our sweet Jason.
1 comment:
Sleepy babies are so much easier to love, especially since you feel more normal! I hope that he remains a good sleeper for you. He's adorable.
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