He loves when you talk or sing to him, and I love when he does it back. Love, love, LOVE it.
He loves when you talk or sing to him, and I love when he does it back. Love, love, LOVE it.
I think you can see the similarity better in the profiles. I can definitely tell they're brothers. But I think the hair throws most people off. Differences besides the hair? Jason's longer; even his fingers and toes are longer than Jack's were.
I love having 2 boys, and seeing the similarities and differences in them, both physical and in personality. And I love seeing the relationship between brothers. I can't wait for Jason to grow some more and interact with his big brother; Jack is either mimicking the baby or trying to make him laugh. When the baby fusses, Jack is there to pat him or to give him his pacifier. Jack has wanted more attention lately, but I think that's pretty normal; and I'm more than happy to cuddle my oldest baby.
2 days old, 1st day home 1 1/2 weeks old
1-2 weeks old
I love that spiky hair! His hair is SO much fun to play with.
About 3 weeks old here, more alert now
Enjoying the breezy afternoon in the backyard another hair shot, here it's curled over, haha
blurry pic, but shows how l-o-n-g he is