I'm in my 3rd trimester, and am now 29 weeks pregnant. This pregnancy is flying by and I feel great. Below is my obligatory belly shot:
I went in for my glucose test and sonogram *finally* last Friday and everything looks perfect. I passed the glucose test, yea! And the drink wasn't as bad as I was expecting, so bonus points for that. I somehow lost a half pound in the last month, despite the baby weighing in at 3.4 lbs, which puts the baby ahead of schedule weight-wise. Turns out his weight put me at being nearly 30 weeks preggers, when the sonogram was done when I was nearly 29 weeks....so he is a good size! Heart-rate was good (can't remember the #), he's developing beautifully, and he is definitely a boy. The sonographer put any of our doubts as to his gender to rest by highlighting his manhood; it was so apparent, that it was borderline obscene! Then I talked with my doctor, and I'm now at the point when I go in every 2 weeks. I can feel the due date fast approaching.
You look great. And your maternity shirt is really cute. It will be so fun to have two boys. I've really enjoyed having two girls. They are best friends! What are you naming your new little guy? Can't believe it's going so fast!
Ooooh, how exciting!!! I'm so glad you passed. I was told that if I didn't hear anything by Tuesday (today) then I passed too. Want to go out for ice cream, chocolate, peanut butter cake at Sams, etc? Ha, ha, ha!!!
How fun to know he's weighing larger than for being 29 weeks. Maybe you'll deliver earlier? No too early though...
I can't believe we only have like 10 weeks to go. Where did the time go?
I'll definitely call to play soon...
You are lookin good! for real
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