Wintry weather blew into town Tuesday morning and refuses to let us leave our house!! It's been *freezing* outside and there's a solid sheet of ice beneath all the snow, making us captives in our own home. But, it has been nice to have Jon home from work- today we lit a fire and enjoyed it all day long. Forgive me for all the pictures, but here in Texas, we HAVE to document when we get snow; it's a wonder to behold-
Poor Jon shoveling snow, so he could get to work. He only went in for a few hours, and earned an extra day's vacation for it, yea!
Hmm, maybe we shouldn't have left our shoes outside
buried tee-ball stand

We went out for about 20 minutes to play in the snow; Jack loved it! Though he did not want any of that white stuff on his mittens.
Jon & Jack (that would be Jon behind the scary ski mask)
Jack kicked the tee ball thru the snow, watching the snow spray with each kick. He was consumed with this activity, and protested when it was time to go inside. Mommy and Daddy are wimps when it comes to cold, I think Jack would have played another hour if we let him; he's impervious to such weather conditions, especially when distracted by a ball.

It's supposed to get above freezing by 5 degrees on Friday, so hopefully the ice will melt soon! I had to reschedule my OB visit from today for Friday, so it'd be nice to be able to make it- then I could post sono pics this weekend. Hope everyone out there is surviving the cold weather.
Erin, no one would believe that you lived in Utah for four years! You're not as wimpy as you claim you are.
I guess they don't have any salt in Texas? I wish we got to stay home when it snows here! :) LUCKY! Another reason we should move to Texas, and I'm not being sarcastic! It looks like Jack was loving it!
What fun. Looks like Jack loved it. Too bad you weren't closer to come sledding with us!
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