Friday, February 25, 2011
surgery #2
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
A big kid trapped in a toddler's body
Sorry about the video being sideways. I tried to reshoot it horizontally, but Jack refused to climb and perform for me again, the little rascal. Anyways, a few days prior to this video, Jack was climbing the same ladder, and as he reached the top of the ladder, an older boy probably about 4 years old hung his head over the side and said "Hey, little dude! You're not allowed to climb that. That's for big kids. I'm not even allowed to climb that." The boy then turned to me for some kind of back-up, which I failed to give, instead saying that it was okay and Jack was fine on the ladder, but thank-you very much for your concern! It was too funny; he was seriously offended by Jack being on the big kid ladder. Oh well. They just replaced the old wooden playground in our neighborhood with a new plastic one, so we've gone several times this week and Jack loves it. Below he's swinging, being funny with his cap pulled over his face. This boy loves his hats; we went shopping last Saturday for spring/summer wear, and he loved putting on the hats and holding the clothes up to his body. He is certainly an entertaining one.
Monday, February 14, 2011
29 Weeks
Saturday, February 12, 2011
What do ya think?
Just wondering.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Free at last!
We thought we were going to be able to go out on Friday, but imagine our surprise when we woke up to several inches of snowfall. My OB appt was canceled a second time. I was so frustrated because I was scheduled to do my glucose test (1st on Wed, and then on Fri) and was eating light and healthy throughout the week- even though I was majorly craving ice cream- and then I didn't even take the stupid test! Well, once Saturday's sun came out and melted enough of the ice, Jon and I seriously binged on take out food. It was like we hadn't eaten in a week! It sure was yummy though. We also stopped by Babies-r-us and traded in our old stroller, for 25% off a new pack-and-play; a good deal I thought, since we wanted to dump the stroller off anyways. Ya'll should check out their website if you need any new baby gear; they're doing the trade-in for big items like cribs, car seats, strollers, high chairs, playyards, etc. I was hoping to have sonogram/prego belly pics to post by this time, but should have them up this weekend (that is if the weather doesn't ice me in my house again).
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
The BIG freeze

It's supposed to get above freezing by 5 degrees on Friday, so hopefully the ice will melt soon! I had to reschedule my OB visit from today for Friday, so it'd be nice to be able to make it- then I could post sono pics this weekend. Hope everyone out there is surviving the cold weather.