We had so much fun trick-or-treating this year. Jack is starting to get into these holiday traditions now, so it's like re-living my childhood thru him. After about 15 mins of going from house to house, it got dark out, and then the neighborhood was packed with kids everywhere! We stayed out another hour, Jack filling his bucket with tasty candy. Jason also enjoyed the brisk night air (and being carried around for an hour). I'm looking forward to the next Halloween with my boys!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Halloween pictures
We had so much fun trick-or-treating this year. Jack is starting to get into these holiday traditions now, so it's like re-living my childhood thru him. After about 15 mins of going from house to house, it got dark out, and then the neighborhood was packed with kids everywhere! We stayed out another hour, Jack filling his bucket with tasty candy. Jason also enjoyed the brisk night air (and being carried around for an hour). I'm looking forward to the next Halloween with my boys!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
The Sticky Sneak
Lesson learned: never leave a 3 year old alone, for any amount of time, with a bottle of syrup. Thank goodness our dining room isn't carpeted.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Time to lower the crib, and other things...
getting into the bookcase...
getting into his toy basket, with his cute little toosh...
another recent development: baby food! Jason enjoys eating rice cereal and any veggie (peas below)
always willing to smile
in the tunnel at the park

Other things Jason is up to? As of a couple of weeks ago, he has 2 bottom teeth. He is 6 months and a couple weeks old now, and grew an inch since his 4 mos doctor's visit, making him 27 inches long (50th-75th%) and weighs around 15 lbs. So he is long and skinny. He is always a happy baby, unless tired. He naps well and sleeps thru the night; he puts himself to sleep without any help from me or a pacifier (thank goodness). He is the type of baby that makes you want to have another one (not that we are!). Jason, in case you couldn't tell, we love you.
Friday, November 4, 2011
The Pum'kin Patch!
Isn't he a cutie pie?
Hey, I'm actually in a photo!
pumpkins galore...
Jack's favorite movie ever: Cars!
Another beloved movie character, the rat from Ratatouille
Jack & I enjoying the hay ride
The wagon ride back to the car; Jack is holding 2 little pumpkins for our 2 little boys
A quick video of Jack sliding down the bounce house slide:
Monday, October 31, 2011
Sweet Surprises
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Our computer died...
Jason update
My little man is no longer rolling to get where he wants, but crawling to get there! It started a few weeks ago with him strenously pulling his arms, and a slow progress to get to his desired toy. Now he is much more adept and getting faster and faster by the day! Soon, I won't be able to leave the room because he is getting too fast at getting into trouble. Ah, Jason, I figured I'd have at least another month before you'd be dangerously mobile! Little man is also starting to sit without help, using his long gorilla arms as support...as seen in the last picture.
Dear Jason, you are now just 1 week shy of your 6 month birthday. You are growing too fast and at times, not fast enough; one thing is for sure, you are the best baby to be around with your peaceful and sweet demeanor. These past 6 months have been wonderful, and we can't wait to see what the next 6 bring!
....more crawling footage
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Addendum--Jack's language boom
Then, on the following Monday, Jack had an audiology appointment and did beautifully. During audiology, the audiologist tests his implants' inner electrodes to make sure they are working and then tries to pinpoint Jack's thresholds for the softest and loudest sounds he can hear, so she can set his "ears" to the perfect level for him for optimum hearing. This can be a tricky process since it involves relying on a 3 year old for feedback on what sounds he can hear. With Jack, we do conditioned listening and when a sound is presented to him, he throws a ball in a bucket upon hearing the sound. He has gotten really good at this, and now gets m&m's as a reward for listening. He sat so patiently for his audiologist on Monday, for about 30 minutes, listening to the sounds she gave him and cooperatively throwing the balls in the bucket (and eating endless amounts of m&m's). She was able to pinpoint his thresholds on each electrode in both ears, a total of 44 electrodes. This is so important because we now know that Jack is hearing the soft speech sounds clearly, sounds like the letters 'p' and 't'. To sum up, she made small adjustments to his left ear and bigger ones to his right ear, and thinks that this should be his final "map" or setting.
The reason that I went on so much about his audiology appointment is because 2 days after it, Jack said the 't' sound for the first time in his life! I pointed out a picture of a star to him, and he clearly said "star" back to me! Typically, he would have said "saw", but this time he said the entire word. I'm pretty sure I scared him a bit with my excessive clapping and shrieks of excitement. And in speech a couple of days later he said the 'ch' sound which is a difficult sound to make. Another difficult sound to make is the 'sh' sound, but that is one of Jack's favorite to say. Way to go Jack!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Dear Jack,
Your annoyed mother
Monday, September 12, 2011
Jack's language boom
To keep this in proper perspective, I have to constantly remind myself of his hearing age, which is currently 9.5 months. It's hard to judge where his current language level would place him, but we know it's somewhere between the language of an 18 month old- 24 mos. His speech therapist said that about 2 months ago, so I would say Jack is approaching the language level of a two year old now. I was told that one of the hallmarks of a 2 year old's language skill is putting two words together and using sentences, so I'm looking forward to that.
One of the biggest changes I've noticed is in my trust that Jack hears and understands me. I used to have to repeat myself, while pointing emphatically at things to get him to understand what I wanted. And now, I trust that he understands so much more of what I'm saying to him, minus any visual cues. It's awesome! Just the other day while riding bikes with friends, I told Jack to share the bike with his friend, and he did it when I asked. A few months ago, I would have had to get in Jack's face and explain to him to share, and *hope* that he understood why the bike was going to the other kid and not flip out over it, because he thought I was just taking the bike away from him. Now he has the language to understand the situation and it is so much easier. While riding bikes that same day, Jack was riding down the street and getting too far away- about 5 houses too far- and when I yelled his name, he turned around. I literally thought, what a miracle, my child heard me....my deaf child heard me from such a distance.
Jack loves learning new words, and pays attention to things we point out to him. We can now teach him a word in a single conversation, instead of repeating it over and over again for days. For example, at dinner he pointed to the honey mustard sauce on the table, and I told him "sauce." He loved that word so much that he wouldn't stop saying it during dinner that night. He kept saying "sau...(long pause)....ssss." It was hilarious and very cute.
Jack's favorite toy as of late has been a set of puzzles, and when he finishes one Jon and I exlaim "yay, Jack, yay!" So now Jack eagerly completes his puzzles so he can praise himself as he says, "yay, Jah, yay!" He's learned all of his colors, can count to 10, and names everyone in our family including himself. He usually either leaves the beginning or ending off of his words, but says the vowel sounds correctly. He loves to say the 'sss' and 'shh' sounds. When he pays attention to me and concentrates, he will say the entire word back to me correctly. But typically, he copies the vowels in the words. He doesn't quite understand yet about us asking him questions. For example, we'll be in the kitchen looking for a snack, and I'll ask him "what do you want?," while throwing my arms up in the air and cocking my head to the side. Jack's response? He cocks his head to the side, throws his arms up, and says "wha you wan?" It's really funny and maddening at the same time. Because, then I'm thinking- 'no, really, what do you want?!' So we're working on understanding questions.
Well, I could go on forever about Jack's progress with his CI's, but it's enough to say that he is learning at an exponential rate the longer he has them. To think, just a year ago, Jack was diagnosed with a profound hearing loss, unable to hear or understand a word we said to him. And earlier today, while playing a game of chase at the park, he called out "Mommy!" while looking for me. It's literally my dreams come true.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Lil' Engineer

On another note, Daddy loves that Jack is now interested in building instead of destroying things, and loves to build train tracks with Jack. It's quite amusing since I have to remind Jon that he needs to let Jack help him and not to take over. Jon is now eager to buy more tracks for Jack. I think it's cute, because I think the new tracks are for Jon and his dreams of creating an incredibly elaborate railroad. I guess when you think about it, we're all just really big kids at heart.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
4 months and counting!

Anyways...he also got his latest vaccines, poor little guy. He gave a good scream- he has the most blood-curdling scream you have ever heard. Or maybe you did hear it, it was around 9am this past Thursday; if you heard a baby screaming, chances are it was Jason. Haha.
For memory's sake here is what Jason is up to now:
-rolls over from back to tummy both ways
-pushes up onto forearms while on tummy, holds head level to floor and looks around
-reaches for and grabs toys
-loves to eat his fingers
-puts himself to sleep without a paci or any help from me (AWEsome!)
-knows his name and looks up when you call it
-locates sounds when heard
-grabs his feet
-loves to stand up
-loves to be sung to, spoken to, or cooed at....he just loves sound!
-converses with anyone within a 10 ft radius who happens to be speaking at the time (this boy is a talker)
-lets me put him down and plays with his toys contentedly
-sleeps thru the night 70%ish of the time, and the other times wakes up once to eat
-born with tons of hair...now he is rubbing lots of it off sadly, making me have to cut it soon to keep him from looking crazy with long hair and bald spots alternating on his head
-he is all eyes- big, round, blue eyes that just lock you in....irresistable
-he is a peaceful, happy baby to be around and is the *perfect* addition to our family

Wednesday, August 24, 2011
1st day of school
Monday morning I walked him to his classroom and spoke with his teacher for a few minutes and told him goodbye, at which point the tears and freak-out ensued. To be honest with you, since he's so independent all the time, it was kinda nice to have him cling to me for a bit. He gave a few good screams and I gave him one last hug and left. Talk about hard! I just wanted to soak up his clinginess for awhile, but I knew it'd be harder on him so I didn't draw it out. 3 hours later when I picked him up, his teacher reassured me that about 1 minute after I left he was fine. That sounds about right. Glad he recovered. The second day back- zero tears, zero clinginess. We kissed goodbye and that was about it.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sunday, August 21, 2011
Field trips around town:

Below, I made him pet the bronzed frog. On our second trip back to the zoo, he must have thought you were supposed to pet the frog because he went out of his way to pet it that time.