Over the past week Jack has been really into his train set, building endless combinations of train tracks. He then connects every train he has and runs the track. His only problem was his insistence on using 6 or 7 trains connected together, causing him to derail on every curve. After the first hour or so, he finally figured out that he needed to slow down on each curve and was much more successful in staying on the track. It was really fun to watch his creativity flow as he built different tracks; he has a l-o-n-g attention span for such things, and built the tracks for a few hours every day for about a week.
On another note, Daddy loves that Jack is now interested in building instead of destroying things, and loves to build train tracks with Jack. It's quite amusing since I have to remind Jon that he needs to let Jack help him and not to take over. Jon is now eager to buy more tracks for Jack. I think it's cute, because I think the new tracks are for Jon and his dreams of creating an incredibly elaborate railroad. I guess when you think about it, we're all just really big kids at heart.
My brothers used to play with those for HOURS! Boy toys are so cool. :)
that is so fun! Kaden's train table was his most favorite thing at that age!
Yeah, I finally read your blog again. Sorry it took me so long. I will try to keep up with it cause I love reading about your family stories. -It will be nice when Eloise is out of the destroying phase (of course it will be right when Russell is in it so it will cause a lot of turmoil-can't wait!). The other day I tried to play mega blocks with Ella and got frustrated when everything I put together she pulled a part. It's ELLA-ZILLA!! I can totally see how Jon wants to take over when kids don't play our way. I need to remember to put myself in their shoes and try to understand how fun it is for Ella just to destroy.
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