Jason surprised us with a new learned skill this past week: pulling up! He is no longer content to crawl and play on his tummy, he now must pull up on anything remotely tall and play with it while either on his knees or standing. He is just too darn cute. Honestly, I could have waited for this new skill to develop for a few months, as I don't need another mobile boy in this house. Also, Jason makes for a more enticing target to Jack, now that Jason has a farther drop to fall when he stands.
getting into the bookcase...
getting into his toy basket, with his cute little toosh...
another recent development: baby food! Jason enjoys eating rice cereal and any veggie (peas below)
always willing to smile
in the tunnel at the park

Other things Jason is up to? As of a couple of weeks ago, he has 2 bottom teeth. He is 6 months and a couple weeks old now, and grew an inch since his 4 mos doctor's visit, making him 27 inches long (50th-75th%) and weighs around 15 lbs. So he is long and skinny. He is always a happy baby, unless tired. He naps well and sleeps thru the night; he puts himself to sleep without any help from me or a pacifier (thank goodness). He is the type of baby that makes you want to have another one (not that we are!). Jason, in case you couldn't tell, we love you.
Cute kids, Erin!!! They grow-up so fast. :) How do I get a baby like that?
Also, I love the bookshelf. Did you build it yourselves?
Oh my goodness!!! Pulling up? Two teeth? Crawling? Crazy, crazy!! I can't believe he's younger than mine yet farther along in development. It blows my mind that he's doing all those things. Cute Jason!!!!
Ali- I wish we had built it ourselves. I actually got it from pottery barn kids, online. It was on sale! There are some websites about making your own furniture though, and now Jon wants to build our bedroom set himself.
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