About a couple of weeks ago, we witnessed a short-lived phenomenon in Texas: autumn colors and changing leaves! Here's our pear tree, with its bright orange leaves; it was so beautiful, for the week or so that it lasted. Now the leaves are gone...
After that we saw a different sort of tree- a 30 ft Christmas tree in downtown Fort Worth. Sadly, the picture came out a bit blurry.
The lights of downtown are so breathtaking this time of year. One of our favorite things to do together is walk down the cobblestone paths, and enjoy the streetlights.
My sisters flew in for the holiday and we spent Christmas Eve together, eating ham and potatoes, exchanging presents, and playing games. Aunt Kristi got in some quality cuddle time with Jack.
Aunt Teri got some snuggles too.
Jon and I dutifully posed in front of the Christmas tree, with me looking a bit rounder than normal (pictured here at 22 wks prg)
Daddy opening J's presents. We did our gift exchange at night, so Jack was a little tired to be too into it.
On Christmas Day we went over to Jon's sister's house and spent the day with his family. Can you believe I don't have any pictures of this? We took a family portrait, so I'll upload that when I can. Jack's present from Mommy and Daddy?--a shiny, red tricycle! He loves it; he refuses to try the pedals, instead opting for the "Flintstones" method of scooting. Whatever works, right?
Short video of Jack riding his trike in the driveway. FYI, the first few seconds are the best. Unfortunately, my phone was retarded and deleted the longer video of him performing for me by mistake.

Christmas night- we went downtown with my parents and sisters and ate...what else, but tasty Mexican. Afterwards, Jon and Jack gazed at the Christmas lights outside.
Kristi, Teri, and I
Another blurry shot, still figuring out my new phone's camera. The pink ornament in the middle was about 6 feet tall.
Jon, Jack, and me. I had a crisper version of this picture, but my phone yet again deleted the wrong picture and left me with the blurry one.
Oh my gosh, possibly the best video ever. Jack entertaining us downtown, dancing and running. No one got him started on this, he just spontaneously started performing.
Awesome Christmas gift from Aunt T, an easel paired with an assortment of crafty supplies. Here is Jack in his artist "smock" (my old tee); I love how it goes down to his ankles. He has created many masterpieces for us over the past few days.
Of course Jack wasn't the only one to receive presents this year. Jon got a new game for his Xbox, cell phone, some clothes, and best of all....$$. I got cute maternity wear, boots, cell phone, and a zoo membership for 2011. We had a wonderful time sharing memories with both sides of the family and are grateful that we have a long New Year's weekend to recover and rest. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year's to everyone out there! Hope ya'll have a safe and fun weekend.

Awesome Christmas gift from Aunt T, an easel paired with an assortment of crafty supplies. Here is Jack in his artist "smock" (my old tee); I love how it goes down to his ankles. He has created many masterpieces for us over the past few days.