Last month we visited a nearby pumpkin patch after hearing great things about it. It did not disappoint! Not only was it huge, but it offered a variety of *free* activities. Located on a family farm, there were countless pumpkins to choose from, as you can see....
Jack's favorite part was the wagon ride from the parking lot to the farm. He hated leaving the wagon behind.

You can see him longingly looking after the wagon here, ignoring the camera.

Smile Jack!

They offered hayrides, which was fun, except it irritated poor Jon's allergies.
They had atleast 5 bounce houses, and one specifically just for toddlers. Jack was just starting to get the hang of it when he got knocked over, and then he was done.

Log cabin- open and close the windows and repeat.

Jon and Jack in jail, where they belong.

They had these fun cardboard cutouts all over the place including the most current ones from recent movies.

You can see him longingly looking after the wagon here, ignoring the camera.
Smile Jack!
They offered hayrides, which was fun, except it irritated poor Jon's allergies.
Log cabin- open and close the windows and repeat.
Jon and Jack in jail, where they belong.
They had these fun cardboard cutouts all over the place including the most current ones from recent movies.
Toddler hay maze, unfortunately Jack took just the right route to get out, so our search took like a minute.
"Safari Jack" on an adventure at the church carnival
Jack on the stage, monopolizing the bowling game; you can see his friend behind him also monopolizing the game. Jack refused to release the ball from a distance; he had to walk right up to the pins and throw the ball at them.
Jack in the white shirt on the left, doing the cupcake walk. Once he got the hang of it, he ran the circle repeatedly, laughing the whole time. Just kept running.
Mimi & Pappaw came with us, it was my Dad's b-day too.
Jon and I, we didn't dress up. I spent my creative energy assembling Jack's costume.
Halloween night, outside our house. Jon and Jack are ready to go trick-or-treating.
Post-Halloween, I have learned that my son is a candy/chocolate-aholic. He goes in search of his candy and once found, doesn't give up until he gets some. Among his favorites: m&m's and dum-dums. Jon is also a candy freak; I foresee problems in the future as Jack gets old enough to defend his stash from his dad.
He was so cute that night!!
I have candy aholics in my house too, daddy being #1!!!!
I hope your Thanksgiving season is going just as great as your Halloween was!!
I love that Jon and Jack belong in jail...I giggled when I read that.
Jack was so cute in his costume!
Yay for fun times!!
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