Over the past couple of months, Jack has been sporting a new shirt around town. What makes this shirt so special? Take a look---->

That's right! We're pregnant! And super excited and a little terrified of what adding baby #2 means for our family. I am most excited about seeing Jack with his baby BROTHER and the two of them becoming friends, rough-housing, and getting into trouble together. I hope they have a special bond to last thru the years. We found out today that we are having another boy, so that puts me right at half-way and due on April 30th. I was sincerely shocked when they said "boy" to me; I had convinced myself it was a girl. I think right up until the final seconds before the sonographer said the word, then I couldn't imagine "girl" escaping her lips and I thought "boy." But I am thrilled, and Jon is even more so. I am so happy for Jack; he really needs another boy in the family to wrestle with and throw around. And I love little boys- there is just something so sweet about raising a boy, knowing they're going to be big men someday. Okay, enough of that....below are sonogram pics of baby.
This pic is from Oct. 15, so baby is 12 weeks here.

These pics are from today, so baby is just shy of 20 weeks.

Baby is healthy and growing as he should. We are so happy and grateful, and now I know that baby is a boy, I'm turning my thoughts to decorating! I'm open to suggestions for color palettes; baby's room is already a silver gray, so I'm thinking of colors to coordinate with that.
YAY! CONGRATS!! That is so exciting!
Congrats, Erin! Hooray for boys! Now you can buy Jack expensive clothes without feeling as guilty!
Congrats, that is so exciting!! Boys I would have to say are the best!
Yay! I'm so glad your son cooperated and allowed you to know that he was a he! Congratulations!
I've been waiting for this post... our mother's like to tell secrets :) I didn't know he was a boy though! So exciting!
Wahooooo!!!! If you ever need anyone to come over and give you an opinion just call me!! I'd love to help.
John's b-day is the 30th of April! How exciting!!!!!! I'm so glad we are going through this together.
Erin, this is such great news. Congratulations!
Hooray! That's so great! I hope you are feeling good. It's fun to have two of the same gender. They'll be buddies!
Congrats! I've been waiting to hear the gender. I'm so excited for you all. Jack will be a great big brother!
Congratulations! Two boys are even better than one.
Wow - all my roomies from 2001-2002 are pregnant and expecting boys.
I finally got caught up on reading blogs. Yours is wonderful - I have enjoyed reading about little Jack and his CI's. Modern medicine is such a blessing! I hope he continues to do well.
Best wishes for a healthy, happy pregnancy.
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