Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I need to blog

I am behind on my posts! I hate getting behind, because then I have to catch up... So anyways, I'm going to be posting a lot over the next week. Currently, I'm getting over the flu. It was zero fun. It totally wiped me out and I fought a fever for a couple of days, but I feel like I'm finally winning the battle now. Thank goodness!

So for today's viewing pleasure, is a blurry picture of a potato!
You're probably wondering why I'm posting a picture of a potato, and a blurry one at that. Well, it's the funniest story. A few weeks ago I was over at my parents' house. My mom was making baked potatoes for dinner, when my Aunt Lynn asked how big the potatoes were. So my mom goes and grabs one to show us the size. So my mom is holding out a raw potato for us to see, and Jack walks over to her, grabs the potato, and takes a bite out of it! It was really gross to behold. Jack apparently realized the grossness of what he just did, as he made a disgusted face and then took the potato where it belonged: the trash can. And that is why the blurry potato picture is relevant. Hilarious.


Erin R said...

I too have tried a raw potato....and I too spit it out. I didn't enjoy potatoes for a little while. I hope Jack doesn't suffer too terribly from his ordeal. LOL.

Amy Brinton said...

I'm glad that you're feeling better. Jack knows what he wants and what he doesn't--reminds me of you!

Aslinn Rose said...

I wonder if he hadn't seen your reactions if his reaction would have been different. Probably not, a raw potato is pretty gross. I hope you recover soon.

Jill said...

I wish you had a picture of his face, however, the potato picture says it all. Hope you get better soon!

Brian Nelson said...

I'm glad that you're feeling better, and hopefully Jack recovers from this incident and isn't scarred for the rest of his life...