After 10 years of loyal service and many fun adventures...

...we traded in my Mustang for- gulp- a minivan!
I always said I'd never buy a minivan, but with baby numero 3 on the way, it was time to take the plunge! And, honestly, I couldn't be happier about it! It's wonderful and spacious, and had everything I needed & wanted in a new car.
Here's Jack driving the Mustang one last time-
And, this is what I'm talking about- S P A C E! Love it.
Jack and Jason also LOVE the van, and can't get over all the buttons it has. Jack asks if he can go into the garage and play with the van now. Honestly, I can't blame him.
Oh yeah...the minivan! We got ours too, right before baby #3. I think we have the same one (but yours looks nicer!) We don't have leather seats. :) So fun!!!
We were one of "those people" that bought a mini van when we only had one kid.
Congratulations on your pregnancy!
Oooooh!!! Nice!! Welcome to the minivan club. Wish mine was that nice though. I need to go for a ride with you sometime to check it out. Looks great though. Congrats!!
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