Jason turned 4 months old this past Monday, the 22nd. Time is flying by with our second boy. He is just developing so quickly, I can hardly keep up with him! His stats from the doctor's office: 13.8 lbs (25th %) and head circumference is in the 25th % too. They mis-measured his length though...saying he was 24.5 in (25th %), meaning he only grew 3/4 inch in 2 months....I don't think so! Once home, I got out my fabric tape measure and Jon helped me measure him from head to heel and he was 26 inches long (75th-90th %). That is consistent with his previous height percentiles. Do ya'll ever get irritated with your doctors' offices for mis-measuring your kids? One time they shrunk Jack's head circumference from one visit to the next, seriously.
Anyways...he also got his latest vaccines, poor little guy. He gave a good scream- he has the most blood-curdling scream you have ever heard. Or maybe you did hear it, it was around 9am this past Thursday; if you heard a baby screaming, chances are it was Jason. Haha.
For memory's sake here is what Jason is up to now:
-easy to smile
-he is charming with his killer combination of blue eyes, smiles, and endless coos
-ticklish in his ribs, and has a quiet laugh that almost sounds like hissing when he wants to laugh really hard (it's too funny)
-has a sweet and sensitive spirit to him
-rolls over from back to tummy both ways
-pushes up onto forearms while on tummy, holds head level to floor and looks around
-reaches for and grabs toys
-loves to eat his fingers
-puts himself to sleep without a paci or any help from me (AWEsome!)
-knows his name and looks up when you call it
-locates sounds when heard
-grabs his feet
-loves to stand up
-loves to be sung to, spoken to, or cooed at....he just loves sound!
-converses with anyone within a 10 ft radius who happens to be speaking at the time (this boy is a talker)
-lets me put him down and plays with his toys contentedly
-sleeps thru the night 70%ish of the time, and the other times wakes up once to eat
-born with tons of hair...now he is rubbing lots of it off sadly, making me have to cut it soon to keep him from looking crazy with long hair and bald spots alternating on his head
-he is all eyes- big, round, blue eyes that just lock you in....irresistable
-he is a peaceful, happy baby to be around and is the *perfect* addition to our family
back-bending curl, don't know how he does it

We love, love, love our Jason.