So I'm still pregnant...just over 37 weeks to be exact. I figured I'd document with at least one more picture:
I'm now 1 week past when I delivered Jack in my last pregnancy....and I'm genuinely shocked! I just figured I'd go early this time around too. I am totally unprepared mentally to go to my due date. I went to see my doctor 1 week ago today, and was excited to get checked, expecting to be dilated to a 1, or showing some type of sign of impending labor. Instead I get: "I'd say you've got at least 2 more weeks, maybe 3." HUH? You're kidding me, right? After spending the last month obsessing and worrying about delivering too early, I'm now one of those women begging to have the pregnancy over with? The irony is not lost on me. I am relieved to know that the baby is officially full-term and can come at any time, but I'm just so anxious for him to be here and know he's all right!

An interesting sidenote: 2 weeks ago today, I stopped by Quizno's to get a sandwich. The lady who worked there was older with deep-set lines on her face; she just seemed like one of those mid-wives you hear about with all the sage wisdom to dispense. She took one look at me, asked when my due date was (April 30th), and immediately disputed its accuracy, saying "you'll never make it. No, you've got 2 weeks." According to her, I was carrying low. Well, today it has officially been 2 weeks, and no baby. It'll be interesting to see who's more accurate in their prediction, the woman or my doctor. As for me, I'm pulling for the woman.
1 comment:
Oh the ironies of life! Babies never come when you want them to. You obviously need to stage this...come up with some time that would be really inconvenient (like last time, when Jon was gone, etc.) then tell him that it would be sooooo "mean" of him to come at that time. See if that works. Otherwise...try pleading and serving an eviction notice? ;)
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