We were released from the hospital on Sunday morning, and have been home since then. We had my parents bring Jack to the hospital on Sunday so he could make the return trip home with us as a family. So far he has shown zero jealousy towards Jason, instead showing extreme interest and curiosity, and even affection. While visiting in the hospital, Jack showed how much he loved Jason by- of his own free will- giving a teddy bear to Jason; he said "baby" several times and smiled coyly, shrugging into my mom's legs. When asked to give Jason kisses, Jack gave kisses to the closest adult. Another way I know Jack likes the baby? I gave him a chocolate chip cookie, which he LOVES, and instead of eating it, he insisted on sharing it with Jason. He never took a single bite, but just kept holding it for the baby to eat. Isn't that the sweetest thing ever? Below is a shot of him with the cookie, and wearing his new "Big Brother" hat. I love the video of Jack making funny faces for Jason, and shrugging into my mom's shoulder. He was so excited to meet the baby; I just know once Jason's old enough, Jack will have him laughing all the time with his crazy faces.
Anyways, home from the hospital 1 day, on Monday morning I note Jack's forehead is feverish. Oh no, I think. Not now please. We give him alternating doses of Ibuprofen and Tylenol, in hopes it's just a little bug. Turns out, by 7 pm that night, his forehead burns your hand when you touch it and his temperature was 105! He went to the clinic Care Now and was diagnosed with strep throat! My poor baby. Not only do I feel terrible for Jack, but now I'm seriously concerned for Jason and that he not catch it. So basically, we've quarantined Jack/Jon from me/Jason the past 2 days and it's been so sad. I want Jack to play with his new brother, and we haven't let him touch him- I hope he gets over it and doesn't hold a grudge. Thankfully, after being on an antibiotic for the past 24 hours, Jack's no longer contagious and we can lighten up now. He's feeling much better, and Jason's fine.
Also on the agenda for Monday was taking Jason in to see the pediatrician for a weight check, and to make sure all was well. He lost 9% of his body weight while in the hospital, which approached the borderline set by dr.'s for maximum weight loss; luckily though he already had gained 5 oz when weighed at the doctor's office, so he's doing good. He has been a very good baby, and peaceful to be around. He will just gaze around, content to see the world. (Since starting this post on Tuesday, we saw the pediatrician again on Friday to check Jason's circumcision, and he had already passed his birth weight! Born at 7 lbs, 14 oz, he now weighs 7 lbs, 15 oz. I'm guessing he's going to be a strong little guy, like his big brother.)
Daddy with his two boys; Jack wants in on the cuddle action too
The way he's sleeping here reminds me of how Jack used to sleep with his hands up by his face. You can definitely tell J & J are brothers.