I am seeing big differences in Jack by the day now, both in his comprehension of language and sound, and even in his development of some words now! We aren't sure when he lost his hearing, but since having hearing aids, he has been hearing for about 4 1/2 months now, and of those 4 months, he's been hearing with his CI for just under 2 months. I have to remind myself to not expect too much from him too fast, but sometimes he just floors me with his smarts. He understands me when I ask for "kisses," say "bye-bye," "more," "pee-u" (stinky diaper), "up," and varying sounds for vehicles and animals. I know he understands the word itself, without any kind of gesture to help; I ask him for kisses while he's turned away from me, and he turns around and kisses me, melting my heart every single time. His response to "pee-u"? He gets a diaper or feels the back of his pants.
Further showing his comprehension of certain sounds, Jack is beginning to say words on his own without someone modeling for him first. He says "up, up, up" the most often, and says it to get you to pick him up. He's also applied it to other situations, saying "up" once while watching a cartoon character fly into the air. He says "bye-bye" to his toys and people. He LOVES animals sounds and now barks, growls, moos, and clucks when he sees the picture of the appropriate animal. His favorite is barking and growling, and in fact he growled at me when I picked him up from nursery last week. He also exclaims "ahh" when spotting an airplane in the sky (we learned in speech that the airplane says "ahh"). We visited the zoo earlier in the week and Jack enjoyed putting his new animal sounds to real-life use, growling at the big animals and saying "ooo, eee" for the monkeys.
Jack and Jon in front of 2 white tigers- ensue growling...

Jack watching the penguins dive and flip around

We had a nice day at the zoo, and luckily Jon had the Monday after New Year's off, so it was crowd-free that day.
I just LOVE reading about Jack's progress. It is just so wonderful to know that he can hear and is responding. What a relief and what utter Joy I'm sure you are feeling right now!!! Way to go Jack!!!!!
It sounds like he loves to learn and is picking it up so voraciously. Looks like a great day to go to the zoo. I love your family picture on the top too. You're looking so so thin! What a cute family!
Haha, thanks about the "thin" comment, but I think you'll find the word no longer applies to me in my current stage of pregnancy!
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