We were a little concerned that Jack would behave for our duration there, since eating at hibachi's typically take like an hour or more, but it turns out that fire is a great incentive for children to sit and be good! I wish there was fire and a show at every place we eat! The chef asked us if Jack liked fire; Jon responded, "He loves it," and I responded, "We're about to find out." So the chef lit the grill and "whoosh!" went the flames 3 feet into the air. Before the flames finished rising, I found Jack in my lap clinging to me for dear life. But the fire died down, and Jack was okay, though the fires at the other tables kept him in my lap for awhile. He definitely wasn't quite sure about it. Anyways, we had a wonderful evening and enjoyed tasty fried rice and chicken/steak.
Afterwards, we walked around the outdoor shopping mall the restaurant was located in, and since Jack was being so good we stopped in the Nestle Tollhouse cookie shop and bought him a peanut butter cookie the size of his face (ok, like half the size). I wish I captured the expression on his face when he saw the cookie- priceless. He devoured that thing in like 60 seconds, dropping a few pieces on the ground- we quickly kicked those away before he could eat them too (and believe me, he would have).
We also spent much energy on baby's room this past week. Jon did a lot of work; I'm so proud of him. Baby's room didn't have a ceiling fan before, which is a definite necessity in Texas; so we bought a new fan for the living room, and Jon switched the old living room fan to the baby room. That was a lot of work and I didn't envy Jon's job of installing them! Jon also painted the accent wall in the nursery and I LOVE it. It's a midnight blue, with the 3 surrounding walls a silver gray. The curtains are a bright white and I feel so relaxed walking into the newly done room; it reminds me of the ocean.