The other day I was at the kitchen sink washing dishes, when I see Jack driving his tow-truck into the adjacent laundry room. I continue with my chore and notice the laundry room lights flicker on and off. Hmmm, how in the world? I go into the room and find Jack, not only standing on his truck........
BUT standing on the steering wheel of his truck, flipping the light switch! He pushed it against the dryer and door, and somehow managed to stand on top of it without the wheels taking off on him and leaving him splat on the floor. He's super coordinated, but jeez, no more standing on the steering wheel of your tow-truck Jack!!
And here he is in all his rascally glory. Cuddling his bunny while on his tow-truck. After hearing me tell this story, my mom said that Jack is going to give me gray hair. Hope not, but probably so! Oh well, I'm happy that he is such an adventurous and courageous boy.

Eric and I installed a light switch just a couple feet off the ground for our kids' playroom so that they could do it themselves. It was useful, but it did take all the challenging fun out of actually having to climb up to one!
I'm glad he didn't hurt himself. Maybe he needs to be a gymnast or a professional tree climber or in other words limber or lumber Jack. Hee hee. That's gold.
Megan is a climber too. It drives me nuts. So scary! :) Can't believe he's so big already!
He's far too athletic and smart. You'll have to let me know how to stop this from happening. You are the guinea pig of the family. haha. Just kidding!
What a smarty pants! My boys are such climbers. I can't believe Jack is not climbing out of his crib yet. I hope that doesn't jinx you!
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