Last weekend was my birthday and I had tons of fun celebrating! First off, my parents were kind enough to take Jack for the weekend! So Jon and I enjoyed alone time and, most of all- sleeping in! For dinner we went to this really cool restaurant downtown called Reata. It literally occupies 4 floors of a building, all filled with seating areas. We were fortunate to get a spot on the rooftop patio. Below are views of the FW skyline. Pretty, no? The food was to die for- we started off with tenderloin tamales,
yum, and then I enjoyed quail enchiladas which were also yum. And we couldn't help but split the apple pie dessert. The tragic part is that after taking my 3rd picture of the evening, my battery died! SAD. We took some pics on our phones, but they aren't featured here...
Isn't this building charming? I love the blue with the red brick.

One of the more modern bldgs in downtown- where Jon works

I'm kicking myself for not charging the camera before our outing. Oh well. The next day we were lazy and slept in, was wonderful. And then we went shopping where Jon graciously obliged me in holding my purse while I tried on clothes. Got some shorts and tees for the approaching summer heat. That's about it on my b-day weekend. On Sunday the spell was broken and I turned back into Mommy, but that's okay because I love my baby. Isn't it funny how when you are home with your kid(s) all you want is a break, and then the second they leave, you
miss them?! How is that fair? Jon always thinks I'm crazy when I miss Jack when he's at my parents'.
And before I forget, my awesome present from my parents is below. I am so excited! I haven't had a bike since my 10-speed way back when. Can't wait to take Jack on bike rides. And kudos to Jon for hanging it on the garage ceiling. I don't have the patience for such things.

I'm super lucky to have such caring family. Many thanks to Jon's parents for my b-day gift- I can't wait to use it for my patio set! Well, I suppose that is enough about me.... for awhile. Heck, it's only your birthday once a year, right? ;)
Happy Birthday, Erin! I have thought about you every day this week, saying to myself, "I have got to call Erin for her birthday!" I'm glad that you were able to have a fun weekend. Ft. Worth definitely has the charm factor that's missing in Dallas, doesn't it? You should try a triathlon with your new wheels!
happy birthday erin! sounds like a wonderful celebration! how fun!
Um, QUAIL enchiladas? Really? yuck.... but really sweet bike.
Sounds like a great birthday! Glad you could have some fun. =)
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