We're only 2 weeks away from Christmas, which must mean it's time for me to put up our pictures from Fall!
We made our now annual visit to our favorite pumpkin patch, where we rode the hayride, posed for pumpkin pictures, flipped and flopped in bounce houses, nearly lost Jack in a giant hay maze, and took home some miniature pumpkins for our miniature boys.
Halloween came around, admittedly one of my least favorite holidays because of all the pressure to come up with super great, super creative costumes. Jon shamed me for not having the boys costumes planned as the big H-Day approached. Conner was easy, considering he's the third child. I already had an infant's dinosaur costume from a previous year. Jason and Jack were the ? marks. I DIYed Jack's costume, fashioning a super high-tech robot out of a cardboard box, duct tape, and some fabric. I caved and bought Jason a lion costume from Target and drew him some whiskers. I think they turned out pretty cute!
We went to our ward's trunk-or-treat the weekend before Halloween, and went trick-or-treating around our neighborhood on Halloween night. I think it was a fairly successful outing. Jack and Jason were totally into getting candy and saying "trick or treat!" My parents accompanied us and were in heaven holding the peaceful dinosaur.
When Fall finally hit around here, I think sometime around mid-November, the leaves on our tree turned a beautiful red and fell to the ground, blanketing our backyard and trampoline. It really was beautiful, and the boys made some truly camera worthy moments frolicking (yes, frolicking) in the leaves on the trampoline. They loved the slipping and sliding effect from the leaves.
Action shot of Jack doing something incredibly boyish-
Jon and the older boys at our neighborhood park on Thanksgiving Day. We stayed home this year, kept to ourselves, didn't cook a turkey, and it was one of the best Thanksgivings ever! We took the boys to this field, tossed the football around, played chase, tackled each other, and soaked in the laid-back day.
Our miniature pumpkins from the pumpkin patch, in their painted glory.
The older I get, the more I love the Fall. I love when the air turns crisp and cool and new colors appear. It's a refreshing time of year and I wish it would last a little longer.