It's been crazy in our family this summer with so many changes happening simultaneously, that I don't know where to start with this post. I suppose I'll start at the beginning. Conner is the best baby, (thankfully- because we wouldn't have had the time or energy to handle a needy baby!) and is growing like a weed, sleeps thru the night already, smiles and coos to you, and is quite the handsome one.
He will be 2 months old this Saturday, and it feels like he should be 6 months old to me because life's been so busy lately. I wish life would slow down and I could enjoy my baby more! Thankfully, the slow down is now beginning, and life is returning to normal.
So why the craziness? We put our house on the market, sold it, searched for and bought a new house, and moved.....all while having a new baby.
Literally, while
having a baby. I was texting our realtor and signing a contract on our house while in labor in the hospital. She thought it was so funny that she snapped a picture of it and posted it on her Facebook page. So because Jon changed jobs from working in Fort Worth to now working in Dallas, we listed our house and thankfully got an offer within the first few days! Thank goodness, because trying to keep my house spotless and perfect with 2 boys running around is nigh unto impossible. So I was extremely relieved that our house was under contract as of the night before Conner was born (hence me signing papers in the hospital).
So I thought the hard part was behind us. Selling the house is the hard part, right? Wrong. It turns out, in this market, buying a house is the hard part since it's a seller's market right now. So later that day, the day Conner was born, Jon and I were searching for houses in the Dallas area. Turns out that out of the houses we found, about 90% were already under contract. So there was very limited inventory for us to shop from....meaning little choice and higher prices. So long story short, in a period of about 2 weeks, we furiously looked for our next house, trying to find a bigger house in the right neighborhood and school district. We put an offer on one house (sight unseen by me since I'd just had a baby 2 days earlier), the offer was accepted, and upon a scary home inspection, we dropped that house.....and then we found the one! It was everything we wanted- in the right school district, a beautiful neighborhood, and a good size for our growing family. It's a house we can make into ours over the years, and my head is spinning with all the ideas I have for this house. I can't wait to implement all of them!
So lest you think I'm a drama queen and think I'm whining about the above mentioned house hunt making life's the stressful part: 24 hours out from closing on the sale of our Fort Worth house, the title company calls me to say that the buyer's lender hasn't given them final loan approval yet and we have to push back the closing date. BAD NEWS. Now, we can't buy our next house, because that's conditional on us selling our house. Ugh. The worst part is, that the bank won't tell us when we can close on our house, dropping us in a black hole of waiting to close. In the meanwhile, I've switched utilities between the two houses, set up a U-haul truck, moving dates, and have money tied up in this! Looonnnggg story short, we ended up having our whole house on a U-haul truck for nearly two weeks, parked in front of my parents' house, WAITING for the bank to give our buyers the clear to close on our house. It was honestly one of the worst experiences of my life, worrying that the whole deal might fall thru and we'd have to re-list the house, and lose our new house. Thankfully though, the lender finally gave the okay to close and it worked out. We ended up having to rent our new house for a week before we officially closed on it. But, now our old house is sold, and our new house is bought. And that awful U-haul truck that I had to look at for 12 days is emptied and gone!

We're getting settled into our new house, unpacking and organizing, and the boys love it. They are thrilled with the extra space, their new rooms, and the back yard. And I love that we're on a great lot, in a cul-de-sac, where the boys can safely ride their bikes outside. We were very blessed in finding this house!
And now that we have working internet, and I just spent close to an hour uploading pictures and videos from both my and Jon's phones, expect to see more posts soon. I know you're on the edge of your seat.