Tuesday, December 29, 2009
A White Christmas
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
2 days left...
Friday, December 11, 2009
It's the little things
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Aunt Kristi and Jack sharing a moment
Here's some footage of Jack's throwing skills:
me and Kristi
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Fast forward to a few weeks later... I'm taking Jack to nursery for the first time, and so I ask the teacher if I could stay for awhile. I figured Jack might at least put on a show and cling to my leg for a COUPLE of minutes. Nope, the second I put Jack down he was off and running to the toys, playing with the duplos and car garage, talking to the other kids, and completely ignoring me! Honestly he couldn't have cared less where I was. I actually ended up with another kid in my lap while Jack played with a 3 year old. (At this, he did kind of give me a weird look, as if to say, "Hey kid, that's my spot!") After about 45 minutes of this, I told the nursery leader I might as well leave and enjoy the rest of church. Jack watched me leave the room, and I thought that this might make him cry because he DOES NOT like to see people leave. No, no, he doesn't care. Just goes on playing. After church, Daddy picks Jack up and tells me that he found him sitting on top of the table, taking the crayons out of the bucket and putting them back in the bucket. That sounds about right.
Well, I am thrilled that Jack is so social and happy. And I am especially happy to be able to sit through the last 2 hours of church without him, able to actually listen and participate! At least until the next kid comes around...as my mom happily pointed out to me.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Pictures, Galore!
Jack's bathroom- I thought the monkey shower curtain was appropriate for a toddler! This room was a dark blue before, and it just made the room feel even smaller. So I chose an aqua, which brightened it up.
The two below pics are of the entry, but I couldn't get a good shot in just 1 picture. I love the alcove here. Oh yeah, this was a green entry before. It's now a pink-white, which was supposed to have darker stripes to contrast....but that didn't happen. Oh well, a future project, right?
One thing that sold me about this house was its beautiful entryway, and how it uses arches to lead to different parts of the house. We chose to paint them red- they were just white before.
The kitchen, duh. I fell in love with the layout. Because it's open, Jack loves to run a loop around the kitchen, living room, and hallway. What a cutie.
The dining room. We did a lot here. Before it was white, with the window seat painted an orange-red. We painted the bottom walls/window seat a deeper red, and the top walls silver. We also did the chair rail ourselves, amazingly. Actually, it was pretty easy.
Monday, November 2, 2009
A Day in the Life...
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Mommy's Little- BIG helper
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I just realized that sadly, I did not take "before" pictures of the rooms we've worked on. But I'll start doing that for the next rooms. One negative effect of painting? You are covered with paint, head-to-toe afterwards...even after showering, you find unexpected paint splotches on your skin. You can never get rid of it! I am just imagining the looks I'll get at church when people catch a glimpse of my brown and biege nails.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Did I forget to mention...?
Enough of that tirade. To sum-up, we're moving in 2 weeks and are thrilled. Anyone willing to join us in a paint/pizza party, give me a call!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Slurrrrrp, slurp!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
The perfect chute
Thursday, September 3, 2009
The Tee-ball Tot
Here Jack is playing tee-ball with one of his birthday presents from my friend Jill. Lately Jack is very into balls- throwing and rolling them.
This is actually from a month or so ago, but I'm lazy in posting videos... To catch-up on my recent lack of photos and videos there will be a new video/photo posted each day for the next week! Aren't you lucky?!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Thank Goodness it's not Cold Season
Then in Relief Society he and his friend Derrick fed each other goldfish and crackers- only Jack stole the food more often than he shared it. And he stole Derrick's sippy cup and drank out of it. And then held it for Derrick to drink from. It was really funny and cute. And here's the cringe-worthy part: my VT companion just informed me today that her baby boy had stolen the same sippy cup and drank from it during sacrament mtg! So now, he's shared germs with 2 other boys. And that's not the end of it (*sigh*)... Later in Relief Society, Jack ventured a couple of rows up. No big deal, he's being quiet and good. I look up at him a few seconds later and there's a purple pacifier in his mouth. FYI: our pacifier is green. A couple of seconds later, a lady said (loudly I might add) "is that his pacifier?!" No, no it is not. So now he's thieved several items from other babies, and will hopefully not get sick. As the title claims, thank goodness it's not cold season!
Friday, August 14, 2009
"Jack the puppy"
Another way Jack is like a puppy? He communicates by yelping and screaming. I swear dogs can understand him, because whenever he screams, the dog in the upstairs' apt barks back. And he had an intense conversation with a black labrador the other day. The two just stared at each other, with the dog shaking his head back and forth and Jack laughing in response. Adorable. It almost made me want to get a dog for Jack- almost.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Who put the door there?!
Needless to say, I'm much more aware of my surroundings now. Stupid door.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Sippy cup?
Please send your wisdom my way. Jack is having a tough transition from bottle to sippy cup. He takes the cup for snack times, but for meal times- no way. Any brilliant ideas?
Much appreciated,
Frustrated in Fort Worth
Monday, July 13, 2009
Ninja Tales: duped by a 14 month old
Thursday, July 9, 2009
4th of July
Jack with his great-grandmother Nelson, riding in her chair!
Jack stumbling around in sunglasses
INSERT HERE: pictures of our day trip to the waterpark Schlitterbaun, which we wished we had taken! We took our cameras into the park but left them in the locker ALL day and don't have any fun photos now...too bad.
My mom with Jack, directly behind the Alamo.
Really cool tree at the Alamo- they had it blocked off so we couldn't sit on it!
Jon, Jack, and me posing in the area behind the Alamo
Drumroll..... the Alamo!! Isn't it beautiful?
My parents and Jack in front of the Alamo
Jon, Jack, and me by the famed Riverwalk. There goes a river boat!
THE CUTEST PIC EVER!! He is the photographer's dream- always smiling!
Beautiful views...I felt almost as if we had left Texas!
Really tall building, which I can't remember the name of now!
Gorgeous trees, offering wonderful shade and picturesque views
Awesome architecture downtown with eye-catching bridges. I love the spiral staircase on the left.
Another example of great architecture: click on the picture and check out the "grotesque" faces on the building!
Quack, Quack! Ducks wading through the river.
More wonderful architecture...how beautiful is this bridge?
One of the several hotels lining the Riverwalk. The Hilton, when it was being built, was only allowed to be so tall, fearing that too much height would cast a shadow on the hallowed Alamo!
Another hotel...palm trees to the left.
Colorful umbrellas lining the restaurant decks...
The Tower of the Americas, 750 ft tall!
Jack visiting with his great-grandma one more time. He was checking out her scooter, trying to push it like a stroller. He was frustrated when it wouldn't go!
Me, Jack, cousin Anna, Jon, and Great-Grandma Nelson. Anna had just returned from an African safari, how adventurous!
It was a fun trip. We wish we had more time to sight-see. It's such a great place- you really get a feel for Texas history there, with all the old churches and missions. We will definitely return! What did you do to celebrate the 4th?